How You Can Help

There are many valuable ways to become involved:

  1. Volunteer for Range Clean-ups
  2. Donate Funds and/or Supplies
  3. Help to Advocate and Educate
  4. Adopt from BLM Holding Facilities and/or rescues

Volunteer With Our Team

If you would like to volunteer your time helping out the Onaqui horses and the range please drop us a line that includes your name, availability and contact information and you will be added to our database and will receive communication on coordinated efforts to make the range cleaner and safer for our beloved wild horses.

All volunteer opportunities are also shared months in advance on our Red Birds Trust Facebook page or here on our home page.

Next event TBD

early summer 2024

You can email us below or directly at:

Contact Us


Make a tax deductible monetary donation or donations of in kind supplies to Red Birds Trust. 

Because all Directors are donating 100% of their time that means that every dollar of donations received will be dedicated to improving the lives of the Onaqui Horses.

Donations received will be allocated for assisting with saving Onaqui horses found in kill pens, purchasing equipment needed to do range clean-ups as well as for the care, training, housing, medical emergencies and/or transportation of Onaqui adopted into private homes and sanctuaries including those Onaqui adopted by members of Red Birds Trust. 

EIN: 86-3278770

Spread the Word

We know that realistically not everyone has extra time or money to offer. But everyone does offer something equally valuable which is your voice.

Just letting people know about the plight of the Onaqui (and other wild horse HMA's) & being able to offer valid reason & fact based knowledge to keep wild horses in the wild is something we can never do enough. 

Some great places to find current updates and informational rescources are:

Save Our Wild Horses Website

Skydog Sanctuary

Save The Onaqui Wild Horses Facebook Group 

Wild Horse Education

Wild Horses of America

Jen Rogers and Scott Beckstead have also published several ongoing educational blogs &  articles that can be found on their websites respectively.

Adopt or Rescue

As of March 2021 Utah BLM reports that there are currently 5,500 wild horses and burros in our local holding facilities. 

In July of 2021 another 312 Onaqui mustangs lost their freedom and awaited their fate in a December 2021 online Adoption event.

A majority of these horses not adopted while in holding facilities are mares. Foals continue to be born in the government facilities to these pregnant mares removed during roundups creating even more horses that will need forever homes.  

So if you have a big heart and a good home or know someone that does there are lots of wonderful wild horses waiting for a chance in BLM holding facilities and events throughout the US.

In addition to adoption directly through BLM, countless Wild Horses and Burros are being found in kill pens scheduled to ship to slaughter in Mexico every day including many Onaqui who we have fortunately been able to rescue.  Saving a life by adopting directly from a kill pen or researching reputable rescues is encouraged if you have the time, space, resources and patience.

Please click HERE for a direct link to the BLM's informational page on the Wild Horse and Burro Adoption Program.

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